Vaccination of toddlers | A more extensive offer demanded in Quebec

More than a week after the launch of the vaccination campaign for toddlers, parents are getting impatient: many cannot find availability at a vaccination center near their homes. They are calling for more supply in the province.

Updated yesterday at 11:58 p.m.

Henri Ouellette-Vezina

Henri Ouellette-Vezina
The Press

Pierre-Andre Normandin

Pierre-Andre Normandin
The Press

“I live in the south of Saint-Léonard, and I am unable to find a place in a nearby site. I have the impression that the government is neglecting this aspect,” says Montrealer Philippe Aubry.

Living near the Santa Cabrini hospital, this father of a 2-year-old child says he is trying somehow to get him vaccinated. “The closest I’m offered is in Montreal North, while my oldest and I were able to get vaccinated nearby. I’m not saying it’s outrageous, but for busy families with preschoolers, it’s far enough that you don’t have the time to do it, ”he breathes.

Mr. Aubry is categorical: “I will wait until there are places closer to my home before having him vaccinated. For him, this lack of availability in the neighborhoods is probably one of the causes of the slow start of the vaccination campaign among 0-4 year olds.

The government tells us to get our toddlers vaccinated, but it does not offer the same offer as for other age groups.

Philippe Aubry, father of a 2-year-old child

The vaccination of toddlers in Quebec is still slow to take off. A week after the start of the campaign to protect them against COVID-19, barely 1% of them received their first dose of the vaccine. Fewer than 550 children aged 6 months to 4 years receive an average first dose of the vaccine against COVID-19 every day. Thus, barely 4400 children have been protected since the start of vaccination of this age group.

“It does not fit into my routine”

Catherine, a public network employee who lives in the Villeray district, also says she has difficulty accessing nearby. “The places I’m offered are too far away, they don’t fit into my routine. For my 9 year old daughter it was around the corner. We had no reason not to,” she said.

To Public Health and the government, she asks only one thing: “Give us the right time, and tell us when there will be new sites available”, she adds, indicating that she will also wait a few months for this reason. “In the meantime, can we think of mobile vaccination, around CPEs, in parks, with nurses? They made it for adults, why not for toddlers? asks the mother of the family.

For the Dr André Veillette, researcher at the Montreal Clinical Research Institute (IRCM), the situation calls for rapid action. “The vaccine is safe and above all accessible, so it must be made available in a reasonable way throughout the territory,” argues the expert, also mentioning alternatives, such as vaccination by pediatricians, or in pharmacies, or even mobile teams.

In Beaconsfield, Maria is also in the same situation. “They just added a site in Kirkland, but until recently I had to travel 20 to 30 kilometers to get to a site. It means that with the traffic of the city, it can take me an hour to get there. It doesn’t make sense, ”says the mother of a 4-year-old girl.

If I had somewhere closer to home, it would be a lot easier to do that.

Maria, mother of a 4-year-old girl

The offer is sufficient, says Quebec

Called to react, the Ministry of Health and Social Services (MSSS) estimated Tuesday that “for the moment the offer is sufficient”, vaccination 0-4 years being offered in all regions. “The MSSS offers vaccination in each region of Quebec, instructions have been given to all establishments. For the moment the offer is sufficient, 140,937 appointments are offered in the next seven days for all ages, ”says the spokesperson, Robert Maranda.

Earlier last week, the National Director of Public Health, Dr.r Luc Boileau, had said “not to be worried” about the low number of children being vaccinated, attributing this slow start to the summer period, many people being still on vacation. “It will progress,” he assured.

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  • 40%
    Proportion of parents not planning to have their children vaccinated

    source: National Institute of Public Health of Quebec

    Number of vaccine doses administered per day in Quebec, down 21% over one week

    source: Ministry of Health and Social Services

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