Vaccination of 5-11 year olds | Appointments open now

It is now possible for Quebecers who wish to make an appointment to have their children aged 5 to 11 vaccinated against COVID-19, on the Clic Santé platform.

Henri Ouellette-Vézina

Henri Ouellette-Vézina

This age category was indeed added to the vaccination list “available” at the beginning of the day Tuesday, a few hours before the press conference of the government of Legault, which must specify at 5 pm how the operation will take place. vaccination of children.

Since the start of the health crisis, it is not uncommon for Clic Santé to open its appointment slots before official announcements from the authorities. The avowed objective is in fact to “distance the traffic” which results from it on digital platforms during the day.

Remember that children are the last unvaccinated group in the population in the province. The launch of this new step risks boosting the daily number of dose administrations, which has been slowing down for a few weeks.

As expected, children should be accompanied by a guardian or parent when they are vaccinated. “We will explain in detail how the vaccination from 5 to 11 years will work,” François Legault had briefly said on Monday, without going any further.

The Prime Minister must indeed take stock Tuesday at 5 p.m., as during important announcements related to the pandemic, in the company of the Minister of Health, Christian Dubé, the director of the vaccination campaign in Quebec, Daniel Paré, and the national director of public health, Dr Horacio Arruda.

In Ontario, the government of Doug Ford had already confirmed earlier this week that parents could make an appointment for their child on Tuesday. Vaccination should be launched Thursday in this neighboring province, according to local authorities.

In Quebec, the first children could be vaccinated as early as Wednesday afternoon in vaccination centers in some regions. This was a scenario that was circulating in the health network Monday evening, we learned. Vaccination in schools should begin on November 29, next Monday, according to information from the Ministry of Education. Mr. Legault has also dangled in the last days the possibility of “dropping” the vast majority of health instructions when 80% of children aged 5 to 11 would be vaccinated in Quebec.

With Fanny Lévesque

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