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Why France rejects the vaccine obligation? The position of Emmanuel Macron, who puts forward the problem of controls, has never changed on this point. However, some European neighbors have already taken the plunge.
Five million French people are still not vaccinated, Friday January 7. However, Emmanuel Macron has always refused to make vaccination compulsory. A position he maintains in a recent interview with the newspaper the Parisian. “If tomorrow I say for all adults, we must be vaccinated. How do you control it and what is the sanction? We won’t do that“, did he declare.
Some neighboring countries have for their part decided to impose compulsory vaccination. En Austria, lThe measure will apply from February 1 for all people over 14 years old. In the event of refusal, the first fine will be 3,600 euros, then increase to 7,200 euros. In Italy too, vaccination is compulsory for over 50s under penalty of a fine of 100 euros. “It is a choice that must remain free, knowing that the virus is no longer so virulent“, contests a Italian. In France, according to Olivier Véran, Minister of Health, “the vaccination pass is a disguised form of vaccination obligation“. He is due to enter into force by the end of January 2022.
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