Vaccination campaign against monkey pox intensifies in Ile-de-France

In Ile-de-France, the region hardest hit by the monkeypox epidemic, the vaccination campaign is being rolled out little by little and despite the lack of staff. Since July 8, vaccination centers have multiplied. “_25 locations have opened in the region_including 18 centers in Paris“, declared Amélie Verdier, the director general of the Regional Health Agency (ARS). She was visiting this Friday, July 29 in one of the vaccination centers in the 2nd arrondissement of Paris.

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There are 18 centers vaccination in the capital, the department where there are the most cases. A vaccination center is also exclusively dedicated to monkeypox, the Edison center, located in the 13th arrondissement. In this establishment, 291 shots have already been carried out since the opening ago four days. The objective of the ARS is to rapidly increase its capacities to make it a large vaccination center and to reach the 2,000 weekly appointments short term. New structures are also being opened.

More than 8,000 injections have been carried out in the region, i.e. 70% of vaccinations carried out in France.

More cases, few arms

According to the latest report from Public Health France, published on Friday July 29, 1955 confirmed cases have been identified in France including 814 in Ile-de-France. In the region, 60 to 70 new cases are declared every day, according to the ARS.

If she assures that there is “no dose issues“, Amélie Verdier mentions logistical difficulties, in particular the lack of staff.Health professionals were very tested by the Covid crisis“, she explains.

Monday July 25, the Minister of Health, François Braun, announced that “extra arms“was going to be mobilized to vaccinate, in particular health students.

different cases

The epidemic in Île-de-France has the same characteristics than those described at the national level. Monkeypox mainly affects men who have had sex with other men, with one or more partners.

But other cases exist. 15 female cases and 4 pediatric cases have been identified. A pediatric case under investigation.

At this time, there are no monkeypox-related hospitalizations in the region. Alone few hospital stays were recorded in July. “_The current situation is under control_e with cases for the time being without sign of seriousness not requiring hospitalization“, specifies the ARS in its press release.

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