Vaccinal Pass: voluntary contamination to obtain sesame



Article written by

A.Joly, M.Martel, C.Cormery, B.De Saint-Jore – France 3

France Televisions

On Monday, January 24, the vaccination pass came into effect, which replaces the health pass. To avoid vaccination, some French people are ready for anything, and even to voluntarily catch the virus. Covid-19.

No more health passes, on Monday January 24, it will now be necessary to have a vaccination pass to be able to go to a restaurant or even to take the TGV. To obtain the sesame, it is enough to be vaccinated or to obtain a certificate of recovery. This pushes many French people reluctant to vaccination to voluntarily catch the virus.

This is the case of a 17-year-old high school girl. In order to be able to go out with her friends without getting vaccinated, the only way she has found is to not respect the barrier gestures with a friend who had symptoms. “We had a friend who had symptoms. We gave him a kiss, we ate at the self-service in front of him without a mask with the idea of ​​having the vaccine pass“, explains a young teenager. A dangerous practice that would be practiced by a good number of French people.

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