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Wednesday October 19, a few days before the All Saints holidays, the hotels do not display complete. With the shortage of fuel, motorists are reluctant to leave.
In a Var residence, few last minute reservations took place in anticipation of the All Saints holidays, Wednesday, October 19. “Reservations today are reservations for people who live three or four hours away, that is to say who are able to come from their home to the hotel in one full”explains Frédéric Renard, director of So Well-les Chênes Verts. Customers ask him if they will be able to refuel in his area.
Some are reluctant to leave. “We had to stop all the projects we had because of this fuel shortage. It’s true that it penalizes us”, assures a man. Hoteliers are feeling the consequences of the strikes. “Last year, we had 50% occupancy over the 15 days of vacation, there for the moment, we are at 35%“, explains Vanessa Pagnoux, Unique hotel director. In a campsite, this concern is shared and reservations are canceled.