vacant positions sometimes for more than a year in child psychiatry

“The situation has become very critical” in the child psychiatry department of the Brive hospital, summarizes Catherine Lesigne. Psychologist and FO staff representative in this service, she was a guest of France Bleu Limousin. The child psychiatry service of the hospital in Brive An overheating service with a lack of staff resources

“There are vacant positions not filled for almost a year for some. Positions of psychologists, speech therapists, psychomotor therapists and others. And that in a context of extreme medical shortage since we have gone in six years of six equivalent time -full part-time child psychiatrists, plus full-time work provided by interim psychiatrists “, says Catherine Lesigne.

Children without any follow-up

More and more limited means. It is not without consequences on care children, continues Catherine Lesigne: “These are children who find themselves without any follow-up, but also parents in disarray because they are not accompanied by professionals, waiting times that extend to more than six months or even a year in certain situations. The projects care is very difficult to implement under these conditions “. Not to mention the health of professionals, “which are exhausted”.

A situation even more complicated by the health crisis and its effects on children with “increased anxiety disorders”. Today, faced with the lack of personnel, the service can no longer provide prevention. “We see very degraded situations arriving, because they are taken care of very late”, adds the psychologist.

Recruitment problems

Difficult at the moment to recruit child psychiatrists, but “Nevertheless, the positions of psychologists could be filled for at least six months. And, the positions of speech therapists and psychomotor therapists, if they are difficult to fill, could be compensated by other professionals who could ensure d ‘other types of care “.

Proposals have been made to the management of the CH Brive, which asks to refine them

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