Vacancies in the field of health to be filled in the Dordogne

Meetings in the field of health, in Périgord Blanc… first of all at the hospital of Périgueux

  • This Monday, the Périgueux Hospital Center organize a JOB DATING in order to present to health professionals the teams, the EHPAD as well as the job offers that are currently available. Recruiters will be on site to present you very concretely the opportunities offered, and visits will be organized to allow you to plan more easily. Don’t forget your CV, and go to the EHPAD of the Center Hospitalier de Périgueux, Les Félibres pavilion, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • Lalinde nursing home looking for a male nurse to complete his team. Your mission will be to provide nursing care of a preventive, curative, palliative, educational nature, integrating quality and relational techniques. You will work as part of a multi-professional team independently or in collaboration with the healthcare teams. This is a fixed-term position that can evolve (work in 12 hours)
  • Finally, the EHPAD is also looking for nurses) in order to complete his team, to provide nursing care (work in 7h36)

If one of these offers interests you, please contact Valérie Calès at or by email at: rh@[email protected]


Do you also want to submit a job offer? Do not hesitate to submit it in our form or send it by email to: [email protected]

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