Use of private placement agencies | The FIQ wants measures to “keep your head above water”

(Montreal) The FIQ criticizes the Legault government for not having kept its word by tightening the rules regarding the use of private placement agencies. And, according to the trade union organization, it is the nurses of the health establishments who pay the price.

Posted at 10:30 a.m.

Lia Levesque
The Canadian Press

The Interprofessional Health Federation said Thursday that the ministerial decree which was to impose new billing parameters on private employment agencies was modified following pressure from these agencies. Agencies would have threatened to no longer make staff available if the criteria were too tight.

The FIQ, which represents 76,000 nurses, nursing assistants and other healthcare professionals, affirms that at the end of the day, it is the nurses of the health establishments who suffer, by ending up with unfavorable shifts, compulsory overtime and an excessively high nurse-to-patient ratio.

The union organization maintains that it is false to assert that the situation this summer is only due to staff vacations and health care workers with COVID-19.

She asks the government to find ways to lighten the work of overworked nurses in the network and retain them rather than “making life easier” for the staff of private agencies.

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