“use of firearms” on his baby and “home-jacking” … the facilitator faces the horror

A moment from which it is difficult, if not impossible, to recover… On July 8, 2021, Guillaume Pley lived through hell, and believed that life was going to end for him, and the rest of his family. On this date, the host who launched his media a few months ago, “Legend”, is at his home when several individuals arrive at his home to rob him. Along the way, the criminals attack his wife, the nanny, and their son, who is barely over a year old.

Our colleagues from Parisian announced at the time that the three individuals entered the home of Guillaume Pley in Rueil-Malmaison, not far from the Bois de Saint-Cucufa, armed. The latter entered the house when the nanny was leaving the host’s home. It has now been two years since he went through hell with his family. He wished to speak this Monday, June 26 to give his news, and especially to take stock of the case and its progress.

See also: Faced with Guillaume Pley, Fabrice Eboué, admits having slipped with a fan suffering from the disease

Guillaume Pley speaks, two years after having lived through hell

“Two years ago, we were victims, my wife, my son and my nanny, of an extremely serious incident. Of a home-jacking with the use of firearms on my baby. did not communicate at all but many of you sent me messages to find out how things were going, what had happened at the time… So thank you for that”first explained the man who has had to face violent criticism in recent months.

In the rest of his video, Guillaume Pley informs that the police quickly knew how to grab hold of the criminals and that they were going to be judged. “tomorrow and the day after tomorrow (this Tuesday June 27 and Wednesday June 28: editor’s note) at the Nanterre judicial court”.

“I can’t say more at this time. Anyway, I just wanted to thank you for all your messages. We were very affected, my wife, my baby, my nanny and myself. I’ll tell you more details when it’s all over”he finally concluded, still affected by the case.


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