USAP loses 27 to 22 in Pau

USAP blew hot and cold in Pau. The Catalans trailed 20-10 at half-time but managed to come back in the second half. They did, however, suffer yet another away defeat, 27 to 22 at the Hamlet stadiumfor this 21st day of Top 14.

The USAP completely missed their start to the match, finding themselves quickly trailing 14 to 0. It took time to find the thread of this match, a try from Lucas Dubois in the first act allowed them to stay in touch.

It was in the last ten minutes of the match that USAP maintained the hope of a comeback and a feat. Piula Faasalele then Genesis Mamea Lemalu scored the last two tries to bring USAP closer to five lengths from Béarnais.

At the last minute, the Catalans made the Palois tremble with the match point in their hands. The last action unfortunately ended fifteen meters from the Pau in-goal and USAP suddenly had to settle for a defensive bonus.

In the Top 14 ranking, USAP remains thirteenth, seven points from Brive who beat Castres (28 to 12 with offensive bonus). USAP will receive Montpellier, the leader of the top 14, next week.

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