US seizes UN Security Council

The US ambassador to the UN calls for a public meeting of the Security Council on Monday.

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The United States announced Thursday, January 27 in a press release (in English) requesting a public meeting on Monday of the UN Security Council on the crisis around Ukraine. “More than 100,000 Russian troops are deployed on the Ukrainian border and Russia is engaging in other acts of destabilization targeting Ukraine, which constitutes a clear threat to international peace and security and the Charter of the United Nations”, says in this press release the American ambassador to the UN, Linda Thomas-Greenfield.

“This is not a time to wait and see”, argues Linda Thomas-Greenfield. “Members of the Security Council must look squarely at the facts and consider what is at stake for Ukraine, for Russia, for Europe and for the fundamental obligations and principles of the international order, should Russia invade more Ukraine”, she said, implicitly alluding to the Crimea annexed in 2014 by Russia.

Originally, the United States had hoped to be able to hold this meeting of the Security Council on Friday, according to diplomats. But, according to these sources quoted by AFP, they agreed to postpone it to Monday so as not to interfere with a telephone interview scheduled for Friday between the French and Russian presidents, Emmanuel Macron and Vladimir Poutine.

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