US Secretary of State Antony Blinken visits Lithion Recycling

The American Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, is currently visiting the Anjou Lithion Recycling plant, which is exactly right for the Legault government, which is banking on Quebec know-how to develop the battery industry.

Last September, GM invested in Lithion Recycling. Five months earlier, Quebec had invested $22.5 million in the company’s first electric vehicle battery crushing plant.

More than 95% recovered

The Minister of the Economy, Pierre Fitzgibbon, then explained that the installation “will be able to recover up to 95% of the battery components, which can then be reused by the manufacturers”.

At its plant, Recyclage Lithion has succeeded in recycling Kona electric batteries from the Korean manufacturer Hyundai, which is one of its partners.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken visits Lithion Recycling

Further details will follow.

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