US president signs law to restart semiconductor production

US President Joe Biden on Tuesday signed legislation that releases $52 billion in subsidies to restart production of semiconductors in the United States.

The Democrat assured that this investment in these parts at the heart of modern electronics would help his country win “economic competition in the 21st century”.

The text, adopted at the end of July by Congress, also provides tens of billions of dollars for research and development.

The passage of this law represents for Joe Biden a victory after a long-term fight and good news as the mid-term elections approach.

The law “amplifies our efforts to manufacture semiconductors here in America,” Joe Biden said, praising the entrepreneurs, who are “the reason I’m optimistic about the future of our country.”

This investment plan “will reduce the costs of daily living, create well-paying industrial jobs in the country and strengthen the leadership of the United States in the industry of the future”, had commented the president in a press release after voting in Congress.

Demand for semiconductors has exploded during the pandemic, causing global shortages further exacerbated by the closure of Chinese factories in the face of Covid resurgences.

The United States, whose share in world production has fallen sharply in recent years to the benefit of Asia, has suffered from these shortages. This notably slowed the production of new cars last year, driving up prices in the automobile industry.

According to the White House, this commitment to supporting the high-tech industry is already attracting private funds, with some $50 billion invested in semiconductors. Micron notably announced on Tuesday a plan of 40 billion dollars in the United States.

This investment will be partly financed by the subsidies and tax credits provided for by the law signed by Joe Biden.

The signing of the text is “a historic investment in the future of America”, welcomed the vice-president of the Chamber of Commerce, Neil Bradley.

“This will boost the country’s microchip production, strengthen supply chains, increase research and development, and strengthen our national security. »

On Wednesday, Joe Biden will sign a law aimed at improving the care of American veterans exposed to toxic fumes emanating from braziers on military bases.

He should also shortly enact a vast plan for the climate and health, adopted by the Senate on Sunday thanks to the only Democratic votes and now on its way to the House of Representatives for a final vote.

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