US launches new strike against Houthis in Yemen

Escalation of tensions in the Red Sea. Washington announced on Saturday January 13 that it had carried out a strike against the Houthis, the day after American and British bombings against sites of this movement accused of threatening international maritime traffic. This strike targeted, according to the United States Central Military Command, “a radar site in Yemen”. A little earlier, the Yemeni rebel media reported several strikes. “The US-British enemy targets the capital, Sanaa, with a [certain] number of raids”, communicated al-Masirah on his X account, quoting his correspondent in the city. Follow our live stream.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon warns of “the risks of generalized war”. The rebellious leader warned on Saturday against “the risks of generalized war” after American strikes against Houthi rebel sites. “The United States of America, the Anglo-Saxon world has struck in Yemen. We think what we want about the Houthis, we think what we want about Yemen, we think what we want about the conflict with the Emirates. The truth is that we have just seen the war spread to another country, within a zone itself in extreme tension”declared Jean-Luc Mélenchon, in a speech at the La Boétie Institute, which he chairs.

Moscow takes a stand for Yemen. Russia denounced Friday at the UN “blatant aggression” and an “massive strike” on “the territory of Yemen” from the United States and the United Kingdom, after their attacks targeting the rebels. “These states have all carried out a massive attack on Yemeni territory. I am not talking about an attack on a group inside the country, but an attack on the population of the country as a whole,” declared the Russian representative to the Security Council, Vassili Nebenzia, denouncing the use of“planes”, “warships” And “submarines”.

Fuel shortage and internet outage in Gaza. On the ground, during the night from Friday to Saturday, bombings continued in the Gaza Strip, while the UN accuses the Israeli army of limiting fuel supplies, in particular for hospitals. “We fear the death of patients and children in intensive care and in [services] pediatrics”, the Hamas media office said. “We regret to announce the total shutdown of communications and internet services in Gaza after the Israeli side disconnected the servers. also affirmed the Palestinian operator Paltel in a press release.

The Israeli army killed three attackers after attacking a West Bank settlement. The IDF announced it had killed three people Friday evening after carrying out an attack on the Jewish settlement of Adora in the West Bank. According to an army statement, they entered this settlement and opened fire on patrolling soldiers. For its part, the Palestinian agency Wafa identified the victims as a 19-year-old and two 16-year-olds.

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