US: Kentucky floods kill at least 25



France 3

Article written by

V. Meyer, H. Puffeney, S. Berbett – France 3

France Televisions

Saturday, July 30, deadly floods continue to affect the state of Kentucky, United States. The disaster has already done 25 victims and the authorities fear other deaths.

The pictures are impressive. The water devastated Kentucky (USA) and only the roofs of the houses are still visible. The material damage is very important, with many cars turned over in the face of the power of the floods. Also a lot of roads have summer destroyed and rendered impassable. The residents of the American state were trapped and surprised by the violence of the torrent of water which submerged them.

Kentucky residents are trying to get home, but the water hasn’t receded yet. The doubt is palpable and most are worried that they will never be able to return to live in their homes.I don’t know if we will be able to return to live in our homes one day, maybe never”saddens a resident on the verge of tears. Governor Andy beshear laments the fact that some places are simply inaccessible for firefighters. Kentucky had already experienced a terrible tornado in December 2021.

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