US grants $14 billion in aid to Kyiv

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07:09 : These 14 billion dollars will be used in particular to provide “food, medicine, shelter, support for over two million refugees and resources for Ukraine’s crumbling economy”detailed the leader of the Democrats in the Senate, Chuck Schumer. “It will also allow arms transfers such as [lance-missiles] Javelin and Stinger, it will reassure and strengthen NATO”he added.

07:08 : The US Senate has, in turn, approved the envelope of nearly 14 billion dollars intended for Ukraine and its neighbors, within the framework of the federal budget. This budget has yet to be approved by Joe Biden, but there is little doubt.

06:55 : For the first time since the beginning of the invasion, airstrikes hit Dnipro, the big city in the center of the country. The Ukrainian emergency services identify three strikes, and claim that they caused one death. Dnipro is the fourth largest city in Ukraine, with a population of nearly one million.

06:18 : On the ground, Russian troops continue their encirclement of Kiev. Yesterday, the tanks arrived a few hundred meters from the last Ukrainian roadblock at the north-eastern entrance to the capital, AFP teams observed. The Russian army was already positioned north and west of the city.

06:16 : Volodymyr Zelensky also asserts that, over the past two days, 100,000 people have been able to evacuate the various towns in Ukraine targeted by the Russian offensive, including 40,000 yesterday.

06:15 : The Russian Ministry of Defense does not exclude the opening of a corridor going “in other directions”but they should be “negotiated with the Ukrainian side”. Last night, in a new video, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky accused the Russian military of a new “attack” tank on a humanitarian corridor which was supposed to allow, he said, to bring medicines and food to the besieged port of Mariupol.

06:11 : The issue of humanitarian corridors is still central to the war in Ukraine, including the information and propaganda war. Last night Russia announced that it will now open “unilaterally”, every day at 10 a.m. (Ukrainian time), secure evacuation corridors. But they will lead the inhabitants to Russia, and not to a safer area of ​​Ukraine. An option that Kiev has already rejected several times in recent days.

06:05 : Let’s start with a point on the most important news of the last hours:

The leaders of the EU states are still meeting in Versailles for a summit marked by the Ukrainian crisis. On the agenda: strengthening common defence, debating membership applications from several countries including Ukraine, and even reducing dependence on Russian oil and gas.

#UKRAINE While new talks have yielded nothing, the war continues. Vollodymyr Zelensky again accused Russia of attacking a humanitarian corridor. Moscow, on the one hand, and Washington and Kyev, on the other, accuse each other of preparing the use of chemical weapons.

Two years after the start of the pandemic, contamination is on the rise again in France. A new, simplified health protocol will come into force on Monday in schools, colleges and high schools. Here is what will soon change in schools.

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