US files new lawsuit against Canada over milk

The United States is asking a second dispute settlement panel to look into Canada’s practices regarding its trade obligations to American dairy farmers.

This is the second petition filed by the United States in this case in less than two years.

US Trade Representative Katherine Tai says it’s necessary to launch a second case because Canada hasn’t done enough since the release of the first panel report.

This first group had ruled, in December 2021, that Canada was effectively violating the terms of the Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement in the way it allocates import quotas for American dairy products.

US trade officials and dairy industry advocates say much of that quota is allocated to processors rather than producers.

The United States acknowledges that the Canadian government has changed its policies, but argues that the new procedures remain “inconsistent” with the terms of the trilateral agreement.

“The Canadian government’s revised measures have not solved the problem,” Tai said in a statement.

“Canada has made commitments to the United States under (the Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement), and the Biden-Harris administration is ensuring that it honors those commitments. »

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