US Attorney General Says He ‘Personally Approved’ Search of Donald Trump’s Home

Merrick Garland asked to lift the confidentiality of the mandate that allowed this operation, in view of the “important public interest” for this case.

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The American Minister of Justice affirmed, Thursday, August 11, to have “personally approved” the FBI’s search of former President Donald Trump’s home in Mar-a-Lago, Florida. Merrick Garland did not disclose the reasons and results of this operation. But, unusually, he asked that the confidentiality of the warrant which allowed this search be lifted, in view of “substantial public interest” for this case.

According to several American media, the FBI operation aimed to find archival documents that Donald Trump would have taken with him when he left the White House. However, American presidents have an obligation to all of their e-mails, letters and other working documents to the National Archives, which is responsible for keeping them. Some of the documents stored in Florida are classified and, according to anonymous sources quoted by the Washington Postrelate to nuclear weapons.

Donald Trump, who suggested the FBI may have had “square” evidence against him during this operation, said he does not “would not object to publication” of the mandate. On the contrary, the billionaire intends to go “further by encouraging immediate publication” of these documents, according to a press release published overnight from Thursday to Friday. After the announcement of the search, the Republican camp sharply criticized the FBI and accused the Department of Justice of participating in a “witch hunt” against the former president.

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