US and Europe urge Russia to stop sexual abuse of its soldiers

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11:13 p.m. : Ukraine, the fourth largest wheat exporter in the world, sees its cereal exports paralyzed and its stocks recovered by Russian forces. Les Révélateurs de France Télévisions followed the route of grain shipments, from southern Ukraine to Syria, via Crimea.

(Telegram / RIA Melitopol – russ_orientalist)

11:10 p.m. : What fate for Ukrainian grain exports blocked by the conflict? The reports that Russia “Fly” for “sell them for one’s own profit” are “credible”believes Washington. “It’s all deliberate”accuses the head of diplomacy, Antony Blinken.

11:07 p.m. : On the occasion of the commemorations of the landing of June 6, 1944 in Normandy, 340 choristers from the region sang the Ukrainian anthem this morning, with Mont Saint-Michel in the background. They wanted to show their support for the Ukrainian people and say no to war.


7:47 p.m. : A few tens of thousands of euros to wipe away the tears. Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a decree that will allow the families of National Guard soldiers who died in Ukraine or Syria to receive compensation of five million rubles (75,900 euros at the current rate).

7:43 p.m. : What do we know about the rape accusations against the Russian army? Two weeks ago, our journalist Valentine Pasquesoone devoted an article to this subject. A resident of Boutcha told him in particular of the ordeal suffered by a teenager whom he took care of during an evacuation mission.

7:47 p.m. : “It is incumbent on Russia to stop the rapes, violence and atrocities committed by its soldiers.”

At a meeting of the UN Security Council, the United States and Europe ask Russia to stop the alleged sexual violence committed by its army and its auxiliaries in Ukraine. “No evidence has been provided”supports Moscow, accusing kyiv of false information on this subject.

6:11 p.m. : It’s 6 p.m., let’s rewind the news of this Monday afternoon:

• Candidates from the presidential majority qualified for the second round of legislative elections in 10 of the 11 constituencies for French nationals living abroad, as did Nupes. Here are five takeaways from these results.

• Agriculture Minister Marc Fesneau announced state financial support for farmers whose farms were damaged by storms and hail this weekend. We give you more details in this article.

• Conservative MPs have triggered a vote of no confidence in Prime Minister Boris Johnson, from their camp. Voting will take place from 7 to 9 p.m. If he loses, Johnson will be replaced by another member of his party in Downing Street.

• The Russian Foreign Minister denounced a hostile act” of the three European countries that closed their airspace for his plane, preventing him from visiting Serbia today. Follow our live.

4:00 p.m. : “Lhe world wheat prices rose between 100 and 150 dollars per ton. (…) He flows today at 380 euros per ton, with passages above 400 euros.”

Millions of tons of wheat are currently stuck in Ukraine, stored in silos. It is impossible to export them due to the Russian invasion. A situation that had already started in 2021, as explained to us by Philippe Chalmin, professor of economic history at Paris Dauphine University.

2:54 p.m. : With a little delay, we make a new update on the news:

• Candidates from the presidential majority qualified for the second round of legislative elections in 10 of the 11 constituencies for French nationals living abroad, as did Nupes. Here are five takeaways from these results.

• Agriculture Minister Marc Fesneau announced state financial support for farmers whose farms were damaged by storms and hail this weekend. We give you more details in this article.

• Conservative MPs have triggered a vote of no confidence in Prime Minister Boris Johnson, from their camp. Voting will take place from 7 to 9 p.m. If he loses, Johnson will be replaced by another member of his party in Downing Street.

• The Russian Foreign Minister denounced a hostile act” of the three European countries that closed their airspace for his plane, preventing him from visiting Serbia today. Follow our live.

1:54 p.m. : “The inconceivable has happened. (…) A sovereign state has been deprived of its right to exercise its foreign policy.”

Bulgaria, North Macedonia and Montenegro, all three members of NATO, have closed their airspace to Sergei Lavrov’s plane which was to fly to Serbia for a two-day visit. The Russian Foreign Minister called this measure a “scandalous”.

1:16 p.m. : Are you looking for a little reading for your lunch break? Here are three must-see pieces of content on our site today:

• With the approach of the legislative elections on 12th and 19th June, the polls are multiplying on the number of seats which the various parties could obtain. But can we trust these studies? We asked the question to Mathieu Gallard, director of studies at the Ipsos institute.

Deputies in the hemicycle of the National Assembly, in Paris, on September 21, 2021. (QUENTIN DE GROEVE / HANS LUCAS / AFP)


• Since the Russian invasion, grain exports have stalled due to the blockade of Ukrainian ports by the Russian Navy. The UN fears a risk of famine in the countries that depend on it, particularly in Africa and the Middle East. Thibault Lefevre and Alexandre Abergel interviewed a Ukrainian producer, who expresses his anger against Vladimir Putin.

Like many Ukrainians, Volodymyr, a grain producer in the south of the country, says he hopes"reason will take over and we can stop this disaster." (THIBAULT LEFEVRE / RADIOFRANCE)


Observers are already thinking about post-conflict Ukraine and are worried about the risk that weapons sent to the front feed the traffic. At the end of the 1990s, at the end of the Balkan war, the weapons of the countries of the former Yugoslavia had fed criminal networks throughout Europe. Explanations by Fabien Magnenou.


12:17 p.m. : It is high time to recall the main news of the day:

• Candidates from the presidential majority qualified for the second round of legislative elections in ten of the 11 constituencies for French nationals living abroad, as did Nupes. But Manuel Valls was eliminated in the first round.

Conservative MPs have triggered a vote of no confidence in Prime Minister Boris Johnson, from their camp. Voting will take place from 7 to 9 p.m. If he loses, Johnson will be replaced by another member of his party in Downing Street.

The situation has “aggravated” for Ukrainian forces in Sievierodonetsk, a key city in the Luhansk region, according to Ukrainian authorities. Yesterday they claimed that half the town had been taken back.

10:40 a.m. : Emmanuel Macron’s statements on the need to “do not humiliate” Russia “invite Vladimir Putin to continue the war”, launched the Ukrainian Femen activist Inna Shevchencko, this morning on BFMTV. She believes that this concern not to offend Moscow has already shown its uselessness: “Vladimir Putin was appeased in 2014, he was not humiliated”.

10:59 : Western military equipment is flowing into Ukraine to support the resistance against the Russian army. But observers are already thinking about the post-conflict period and worry about the risk that these weapons will fuel the traffic. At the end of the 1990s, at the end of the Balkan war, the weapons of the countries of the former Yugoslavia had fed criminal networks throughout Europe. Our journalist Fabien Magnenou explains why this scenario could happen again, and how to avoid it.


10:56 : The situation “got worse” for the Ukrainian army in Sievierodonetsk, affirms Serhiy Haidaï, the governor of the province of Luhansk, who announced yesterday the resumption of half of the city. According to him, the Russian bombardments have become even more intense on this strategic city and on Lyssytchansk, the neighboring city.

10:37 : Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov was due to visit Serbia today, but sanctions against Russia are making it difficult to travel. All the European countries neighboring Serbia have closed their airspace to the plane of the head of Russian diplomacy, announces his spokesperson Maria Zakharova. The Russian agency Interfax, citing an anonymous diplomatic source, announces the cancellation of the trip.

08:21 : The United Kingdom announced last night that it would supply Ukraine with rocket launchers with a range of 80 km. The British Ministry of Defense claims to have taken this decision in “close co-ordination” with the United States, which promised last week to deliver to kyiv rocket launchers of another model, but capable of striking at the same distance.

06:40 : “kyiv remains the main objective of the Russian occupier”, assured for his part the Ukrainian Minister of Defense, Hanna Maliar, in another statement last night. Russian strikes hit Ukraine’s capital yesterday for the first time since late April. According to the Russian Defense Ministry, they targeted and destroyed armored vehicles supplied to Ukraine by Eastern European countries, which the Ukrainian authorities have denied.

06:36 : Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky announced in his usual daily video message that he had visited Ukrainian troops in Lyssychansk, the neighboring town of Sievierodonestk. “We brought something to the army”he said without further details.

12:02 : Let’s start with the main information of the last few hours:

• Candidates from the presidential majority qualified for the second round of legislative elections in ten of the 11 constituencies for French nationals living abroad, as did Nupes. But Manuel Valls was eliminated in the first round.

Three police officers were in custody last night after shooting at a vehicle on Saturday morning in Paris, after refusing to comply. According to our information, a passenger injured by the shots succumbed to her injuries yesterday. The driver was seriously injured.

Ukrainian authorities claim to have recaptured half of the key city of Sievierodonetsk in the Luhansk region from the Russian army.

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