Ursula von der Leyen’s visit to kyiv, the strong abstention expected for the first round of the legislative elections, the 24 hours of Le Mans against the climate… The informed of Saturday June 11

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Around Olivier de Lagarde, the informed discuss the news of Saturday June 11, 2022.

The themes :

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen visiting Kyiv promises a quick response to Ukraine’s application to join the European Union. Will membership ever happen?

On the eve of the vote for the legislative elections in Metropolitan France, the threat of abstention hovers. Is it cyclical or the sign of a French democracy that is going badly?

Deletion of Stade de France video surveillance : Is the reputation of the country tarnished?

The 24 Hours of Le Mans back in public this weekend: is car racing still in the direction of history?

The informed:

Richard Werley, correspondent journalist in Paris for the Swiss daily Time,

Phillip Turle, international columnist at France 24,

Daniele Zappala, correspondent in France for the Italian daily Avvenire and the InBlue radio

Ana Navarro Pedro, correspondent in Paris for the Portuguese weekly Visao

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