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Millions of French people receiving less than 2,000 euros began to receive the inflation compensation of 100 euros. However, this payment encountered some administrative problems. Indeed, Urssaf does not have the bank details of a million self-employed workers and home-based employees.
The good news has just appeared on payslips: 100 euros inflation allowance paid in a few days. In a communications agency, three out of five employees are concerned. They receive less than 2,000 euros net per month and appreciate this help. “It’s a nice end-of-year bonus“, admits Elsa Lineage, administrative and commercial assistant.
It is an automatic payment for most employees, but beneficiaries must report to receive the premium and still have not done so. Urssaf lacks the bank details of a million self-employed workers, artisans, traders and home workers such as household helpers. Eligible persons must enter their contact details online, in their personal space such as Pôle emploi or CESU, for home workers. New installments will take place in January and February. In total, 38 million French people will receive the inflation allowance.