Urban violence, racism in the police … What to remember from the interview with Laurent Nuñez on franceinfo

The Paris police chief was the guest of “8:30 a.m. franceinfo”, Friday July 7, 2023.

Laurent Nuñez, prefect of police of Paris, was the guest of 8:30 a.m. franceinfo, Friday July 7, 2023. Urban violence, racism in the police… He answers questions from Jules de Kiss and Agathe Lambret.

Urban violence: “We will be even more vigilant than usual” on July 14

“Obviously, in the context” the riots that followed Nahel’s death, “we will be even more vigilant than usual”underlines Laurent Nuñez, questioned on the festivities of July 14. “In this vigilance that we have, there is July 13, 14 and probably 15”he specifies, while recalling that the police are used to being on the alert, when the national holiday comes. “Traditionally, there is always some urban violence”he points out.

“The Minister of the Interior will obviously ask us to deploy an extremely robust device to contain any disturbance to public order”, predicts the former secretary of state. Apart from Paris and its inner suburbs, its area of ​​competence in matters of police, “each prefect will re-examine the situation”he says. “Obviously everyone looks at whether or not this or that festivity is likely to complicate the task of the police”he points.

“The police only discriminate against criminals”

“The police, they only discriminate against one thing, it is the delinquents”assures Laurent Nuñez. “Generally speaking, it is completely false to say that there is a form of systemic racism in the police”, he also says. If he “do not deny that there are not some minority cases of racism in the police”these latter “are systematically detected and sanctioned either administratively or judicially”.

The former Secretary of State to the Minister of the Interior evokes the case of Nahel, killed by a police officer after a refusal to comply, in Nanterre (Hauts-de-Seine): “To suggest that this tragedy occurred because the police officer would have behaved racist, it is still very serious”he is indignant.


Find the entire “8:30 am franceinfo” of Friday July 7, 2023:

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