urban violence broke out overnight in the original neighborhood of Sulivan Sauvey

Several dozen people caused fires and a France Travail agency, in particular, suffered significant damage, according to the prefect. Three officers were injured and two people were arrested.



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The Provinces district in Cherbourg (Manche), January 26, 2024. (BELLOUMI / MAXPPP)

A France Travail agency suffered “significant damage” in Cherbourg (Manche) on the night of Saturday June 15 to Sunday June 16, announced the prefecture in a press release. Around fifteen vehicles and trash cans were also damaged when “a group of 60 to 80 people started fires”specified the prefect of Manche Xavier Brunetière, in an interview with France Bleu Cotentin. This group of people came into contact with the security forces. There was mortar fire towards the police.”he continues, adding that the lobby of the France Travail agency was “blackened by smoke”he further specifies.

The events occurred in the Provinces district, between midnight and 3:30 a.m. This is the area where Sulivan Sauvey comes from, a 19-year-old killed on June 9 by a police officer while he was trying to escape, on foot, from a traffic stop of the stolen vehicle in which he was traveling as a passenger. .

“The results of these events show three injuries for the national police and two arrests”, according to the prefecture, which had set up a departmental operational center (COD). The prefect condemns in the press release “with the greatest firmness these acts of violence and vandalism”. Calm had returned during the night and the market was setting up on Sunday morning. “Please stop doing anything.”demanded Sulivan’s family, on the Instagram account created after the young man’s death. People need their materials, we didn’t ask for that, we asked for calm and peace.”

After a white march on Wednesday which brought together around 600 people, a rally in front of the Cherbourg judicial court took place on Saturday, at the call of Sulivan’s family, to demand the official’s placement in pre-trial detention. The police officer who fired the shots was indicted on Tuesday for intentional homicide and placed under judicial supervision “strict” and was therefore not incarcerated, according to the prosecution. The night from Monday to Tuesday had already been marked by some scenes of “urban violence” in Cherbourg, the Manche prefecture announced on X.

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