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Large-displacement races are on the increase. However, drivers cannot afford them and resort to renting. What are these rental companies from Eastern Europe and why are they untouchable? Investigation.
On a video, a German sedan whose meter panics, up to 276 km / h. On social networks, these kinds of scenes have gone viral. Must haveGo quickly, or appear at a wedding, as on the forecourt of a town hall in Saint-Denis. These hyper-powerful cars are all registered in Poland. The vehicles are there until 25% cheaper to rent. Rental agencies also accept cash payment up to 15,000 euros.
But an accident in Bordeaux (Gironde) in 2020 alerted the authorities. At the wheel of a Porsche, a young man hit a police car. He didn’t have a permit. Since a year, all traffic has taken place. “It is very difficult to reassemble the chain, especially when it comes to the owner of the vehicle. We collide abroad, since we are in Poland“, explains William Hipperthead of the organized crime department.
A man who used to rent these cars told doing this for the lure of profit, the lessors paying in cash. He has arrested after a youth at who he rented the car from has had a serious accident. A partnership with the Polish police has been concluded, but for the time being no criminal network has been dismantled.