UQAM lecturers on strike Monday

The approximately 2,500 members of the Union of Professors and Teachers of UQAM (SPPEUQAM-CSN) will be on strike Monday morning to express their “dissatisfaction” with the negotiations that have lasted for more than a year for the renewal of their agreement. collective.

• Read also: Universities: let’s not be bluffed

The union members, who voted 90% for an indefinite strike mandate on March 16, will gather Monday at 8:45 a.m. on Place Pasteur, in front of the Athanase-David Pavilion at UQAM.

“After more than a year of fruitless talks and a negotiation blitz that began last Thursday, the 2,500 union members are still waiting for serious offers from the employer,” the union member said in a press release.

“The employer’s proposals, during the last negotiation meeting, on March 31, 2022, were totally unsatisfactory, not to say contemptuous”, can we also read.

“It is not normal that the professors and teachers of UQAM must still fight to have their important demands on job stabilization recognized. It is urgent to reflect in the longer term on the commitment of contract teachers in our universities,” said the president of the Union of Lecturers at McGill University, Raad Jassim, on March 31.

“The pandemic has not given universities carte blanche to circumvent our employment contracts. At UQAM, as elsewhere, the working conditions concerning distance education must be negotiated between the parties, ”added Hélène Montreuil, president of the Union of lecturers at the University of Quebec at Rimouski.

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