Upside down right side up at the Théâtre de la Licorne

A tale upside down, to move forward

And if Snow White was a boy dreaming of the day a valiant and proud princess would fall in love with him? Upside downplay in Théâtre de la Licorne in Cannes Friday 4 November at 10.30 a.m. and 3 p.m. turn the tide, in an unusual experience.

A little ear theater

The audience is equipped with headphones. In front of us, two artists. One is comedian, tale, tell and the other noisemaker. With a microphone, a bottle of water, a few kitchen utensils, he puts what is being said into sound. Bluffing!

A small theater of the ear where ideas, broad have no more towards nor place. And a current question: gender stereotypes.

From 4 to 6€

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