Upset, the widow of Johnny Hallyday evokes his impossible mourning

It will soon be five years, on December 17, 2017, that the star breathed her last. At the time, Laeticia Hallyday said: “Johnny was an extraordinary man. He will remain so thanks to you. Above all, don’t forget it. He is and will always remain with us. My love, I love you so much!”

Since then, the woman who shared his life has done everything to overcome his grief, to make the dear departed proud of her. Despite very tense relations with Johnny’s other heirs, whether Laura Smet, David Hallyday or Sylvie Vartan, the grieving widow fought to be a model mother for her two daughters adopted in Vietnam with the rocker, Jade ( who just turned 18) and Joy. Now spending most of her time in Los Angeles, Laeticia has even found love in the arm of the seductive comedian Jalil Lespert, revealed, among other things, by the feature film by Guillaume Canet, Do not tell anyone. In short, everything suggested that the ex-model had managed to turn the page and, without forgetting the one who will forever remain the man of her life, had managed to dry her tears. But the reality seems quite different!

“The most difficult thing is to live every day without him”

This is at least the conclusion that can be drawn from the extract from the program Indulge, scheduled for this Sunday RTL, which aired September 23. His words leave no room for doubt: mourning is a more than complex mission for the attractive forties. “It seems very far away and at the same time so closeshe explained. The most difficult thing is to continue to live every day without himbefore adding, without a filter that his professional projects are difficult to carry out because they are part of “this impossible mourning”. Married for twenty-one years with the Taulier, Laeticia keeps in her the memory of this very strong personality, whose tutelary shadow seems to watch over her and their children. The young woman also continues to pay tribute on social networks to this irreplaceable being, in order to “rekindle the fire” of their eternal love.

See also: Laeticia Hallyday suspected of “filling her pockets”


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