Upset, a relative bursts into tears in “TPMP” after a heated debate!

The mobilization against the project of megabasins in Sainte-Soline orchestrated, Saturday, March 25 in Deux-Sèvres, unfortunately turned tragic. On the spot, clashes broke out between the police and the demonstrators, thus causing many injuries. According to the Niort prosecutor’s office, three hospitalized people were in absolute emergency last Monday. Among them, Michaël who according to “BFMTV” would be out of danger after having undergone brain surgery at the Poitiers University Hospital. But the latest news, the latter would still be in a coma.

This Wednesday, March 29, 2023, his aunt Sandrine Pereira wanted to testify on the set of “Do not touch My TV” to refute certain rumors concerning him. The opportunity for her to give her news. “Is he still between life and death?” worried Cyril Hanouna. “Yes, he’s still in a coma […]. The doctors said he should wake up on Wednesday, Thursday, but so far there is nothing […]”, replied his interlocutor.

During their exchange, she also praised her nephew’s beliefs and struggles: “He’s a pacifist kid […], who liked to laugh. Who liked to sing and who accompanied the demonstrators to support them. But he’s not a brawler […]“. “He regularly did this kind of demonstration or not at all?”, added the presenter. What his guest replied in the affirmative: “Yes, it’s been two years with his mom […] he was protesting and nothing ever happened to him”.

see also:

“I don’t give a damn about going to war”

Facing the camera, Sandrine Pereira regretted the late arrival of the emergency services which would have been blocked by “the cops”. Also invited to “TPMP”, Bruno Pomart, ex-policeman and former member of the Raid, debated at length with the guest of Cyril Hanouna. Questioning him about his nephew’s role in the procession while defending the actions orchestrated by the authorities. If he deplores the tragedy, the main interested party hopes that the investigation will find out more about the incident.

Attentive to the feedback from his columnists, Cyril Hanouna tried to temper the debate. But at the end of the interview, Sandrine Pereira could not hold back her tears. “We think of Michaël’s mother […] You have been great. We understand your pain, your sadness and frankly I like you […]”, assured Lino and Bianca’s dad in an attempt to console her. “We have the impression that we come to defend a cause and that in the end, we are here to make war”, the mother of the family was annoyed, in tears. “I don’t give a damn about going to war! What I want is to save this little one.”

And to add with a heavy heart: “Apart from coming here because Nathalie (Michaël’s mother) couldn’t, I can’t do anything better. So yes, you don’t like it and I apologize to the public and to all of you, but I can’t do otherwise!”. “It’s the demonstration that we don’t like”, said part of Cyril Hanouna’s team. A moving sequence that has sparked countless reactions on social networks!


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