update on the fires in progress this Saturday

Several major fires are still ongoing this Saturday. In Gironde, where firefighters are facing a resumption of the huge Landiras fire, but also in the Jura, in Morbihan or even in Ardèche. Every day, everywhere on the territory, France Bleu is mobilized to keep you informed of the evolution of these forest fires. Here is a summary of the situation.

In Gironde and in the Landes, the fire is no longer progressing

Since Tuesday, 7,400 hectares have gone up in smoke in Gironde and in the Landes, but the situation has calmed down. The fire did not gain ground “since two days” and “has not made significant progress” in the night. A new fire broke out on Friday evening in Sore in the Landes, very close to Moustey, but it was fixed overnight, according to France Bleu Gascogne. He burned 16 hectares.

The inhabitants of certain sectors of the Landes municipalities of Moustey and Saugnac-et-Muret were allowed to return home on Friday evening. Of the 10,000 residents evacuated, 1,600 were able to return to their homes. The last 20km section of the A63 closed until now reopened Friday evening at 8 p.m., on the eve of the weekend of August 15. The firefighters undertake to close this axis in less than an hour if necessary.

But “the fire is still active on the west side”warned the prefect of Gironde Fabienne Buccio, recalling thata thousand firefighters were still mobilized, including nearly 400 from other European countries.

The arrival in the evening of thunderstorms and rain from the west could help firefighters, but the impact of thunderstorms on the ongoing fires remains difficult to predict, in particular because of the risk of strong gusts which can be problematic.

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In Morbihan, the fire is still progressing

In Brittany, the Brocéliande forest was still burning this Saturday morning. At 6 a.m., the fire was not completely fixed. According to the latest report, nearly 400 hectares burned. 306 firefighters are still engaged.

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In Finistère, many fixed fires

In Finistère, many resumptions of fire took place on Friday on the fire of the Monts d’Arrée, which burned more than 200 hectares of vegetation. Most of these lights are now fixed but the Finistère prefecture has decided to prohibit access to a large part of the massif.

In the Drôme, covers

The fire that was started by lightning last Friday in the Diois massif, in Drôme, is still active. He burned at least 330 hectares and still mobilizes 250 firefighters who have been facing renewed fires since Friday.

In Ardèche, the fire is fixed

In Ardèche, the fire, which ravaged at least 320 hectares, was “fixed”, announced Friday afternoon the department prefecture, adding that 150 to 200 firefighters remained mobilized. The 600 people evacuated on Thursday were able to return to their accommodation or campsites.

In the Jura, the fire also fixed

In the Jura, the Cernon fire is officially fixed this Saturday morning. Favorable overnight weather helped firefighters. The result is 500 hectares of burnt vegetation in the Cernon sector and 160 hectares on the Cornod side. The residents of Cernon were allowed to return home on Friday evening.

This Saturday noon more than 100 firefighters are still on the ground and the two water bomber helicopters continue to circle. The authorities remain vigilant.

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Elsewhere, no significant change

The other fires against which firefighters have been fighting in recent days, in Aveyron, Lozère, Maine-et-Loire have been fixed since Thursday. There is no significant development this Saturday.

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