update on the epidemic in Pays de la Loire

The seventh wave of Covid-19 has been affecting France for several weeks. The number of new confirmed cases in the country has increased by 60% in one week, according to figures from Public Health France published on Wednesday June 29. All regions are affected, including the Pays de la Loire.

Variable incidence rates

While the national incidence rate is 742, the average in Pays de la Loire is slightly lower, with 711.9 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. But strong disparities can be seen between the departments, almost all below the national average.
While Mayenne has an incidence rate of 477.11, it is Loire-Atlantique which has the highest, with 840.4 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.

Find in the map below the incidence rates of Covid-19 by department in the Pays de la Loire

A rapid evolution in a week

If this seventh wave began several weeks ago, it is especially over the last seven days that the evolution has been the fastest. In Pays de la Loire, the incidence rate fell from 441.8 to 711.9: i.e. a 61.14% increase in just one week. This trend can be seen in our five departments.

Find the evolution of the incidence rate in the departments of Pays de la Loire since the end of May in the graph below

Faced with this epidemic rebound, the Minister of Health has been recommending since the beginning of the week the wearing a mask on public transport.

source site-38