update on the announcements of Gérald Darmanin, traveling to Calvi



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The Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, is in Calvi, in Haute-Corse, on the morning of Friday August 19. The point of the Minister’s announcements with the journalist Paul Salort, present on the spot.

The Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, visited the rescue center in Calvi (Haute-Corse), on the morning of Friday August 19, “his last stop for this visit to Balagne”, reports the journalist Paul Salort, present on the spot. The tour started at 10:30 a.m. at the Dolce Vita campsite, “where an Italian tourist was seriously injured yesterday”continues the journalist. “Her condition, the Minister of the Interior told us, has improved, she seems out of the woods”says Paul Salort.

The Minister also announced the outbreak of the state of natural disaster as of Wednesday, “in order to allow the socio-professionals and the inhabitants affected to be compensated as soon as possible”. The announcement is eagerly awaited by socio-professionals, who are also asking the Minister “to facilitate the construction of permanent shelters, on their campsites, to avoid this type of situation in the future”, explains the journalist. Gérald Darmanin is now on the plane, heading for Paris.

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