Update on African Parks, hit by terrorist attacks at the W natural park in Benin

Nine rangers, including their French instructor, died in attacks in the W natural park in Benin. The attack has not been claimed and it is not yet known whether it was the work of terrorists or poachers relentlessly pursued by the eco-guards of African Parks, a powerful NGO which manages 19 parks in Africa.

Park W is a cross-border natural park, which extends between Benin, Burkina Faso and Niger. In June 2020, African Parks obtained the management of the Beninese part for a period of ten years. “Our goal is to make W and Pendjari (the adjoining Benin Park which, with that of Arly in Burkina Faso and the W, offers the largest wild system in West Africa, editor’s note) a center of excellence for the coordination of regional security”explains African Parks on its website.

The company thus manages 19 parks in 11 countries in Africa, the largest area – 15 million hectares. and the most diverse NGO run on the continent. “Effective Law Enforcement” is considered a “top priority”. The company has more than 1,000 eco-guards for this purpose, “the most important strength an NGO has in Africa”.

“In 2020, our guards made nearly 2,090 arrests, a 218% increase over the previous year. They removed 36,508 traps and confiscated nearly 39.7 tons of wildlife products in all parks. An activity that directly targets poachers of all kinds!

According to African Parks, on February 8, a team of its rangers was ambushed while patrolling the northern boundary of the park. Five eco-guards and an agent of the Beninese army were killed and ten injured are also to be deplored.

The version of the Beninese government is different. According to a press release from the presidency of Benin, the patrol went in search of poachers “came upon an improvised explosive device, as well as a second patrol in the same circumstances”. Two days later, a third patrol, in turn, jumped on an artisanal mine. In the end, the death toll rises to nine dead. including six African Parks staff and their French instructor and 12 injured.

No claims have yet been released, but the Beninese government acknowledges that the area has become critical “due to observed terrorist actions”. Moreover, the Beninese army has reinforced its presence in the north of the country after two jihadist attacks last year.

source site-29