Upcoming Episode Summary of A So Big Sun for March 26, 2025: Spoilers and Insights – TV Series News – AlloCiné

Significant developments unfold in the latest episode of *Un Si Grand Soleil*. Pablo faces consequences for breaching judicial control, leading to tension with his father, Hugo. Meanwhile, Élise investigates a sniper targeting prominent figures in Montpellier, while her romantic life suffers due to work commitments. As the investigation deepens, a link to a former soldier emerges, and the sniper’s unsettling behavior raises the stakes, creating a climate of fear in the city.

Warning: The following content contains significant spoilers regarding the latest episode of Un Si Grand Soleil that aired on Wednesday on France 3! If you wish to avoid any plot details, please refrain from reading further!

On Wednesday, March 26, in Un Si Grand Soleil

Pablo’s Breach of Judicial Control

The day proves to be challenging for Pablo. The reason? The teenager spent the previous night out with Noa. Upon exiting the nightclub, he checks his phone, only to find that his father has attempted to contact him ten times. The issue at hand? His failure to adhere to judicial control.

Before heading to school, Pablo returns home and confronts Hugo. Hugo delivers a stern lecture, demanding that Pablo surrender his mobile phone. Reluctantly, Pablo complies and leaves the house without further protest.

To avoid further conflicts at home, Sabine reaches out to Hugo. She advises him to adopt a more lenient approach with Pablo: ‘Being overly strict with teenagers isn’t effective. It’s important not to reinforce his already negative self-image‘.

Meanwhile, during Sohan Guérin’s class, Pablo causes a disruption by openly criticizing the science teacher, stating that his class is dull. This prompts laughter from his classmates, while Noura finds it increasingly difficult to tolerate him.

After class, Pablo vents to Charlotte, making scathing remarks about Sohan: ‘He looks ridiculous with that constipated expression‘. In response, Charlotte reveals that Sohan is his father, but she doesn’t hold it against him. Pablo is left feeling overwhelmed with shame.

Later in the day, Hugo consults Florent regarding the consequences of Pablo’s violation of judicial control. The lawyer informs him that the judge could potentially send Pablo to a closed facility or worse, imprison him. Hugo slowly starts to grasp the complexities of fatherhood.

That evening, Hugo decides to return Pablo’s phone, stating: ‘I didn’t want you to feel diminished‘. However, he warns Pablo about the dangers he faces if he continues to disregard judicial control. Feeling threatened by his father’s sternness, Pablo retaliates with anger. Will this tension between father and son eventually ease?

Élise Puts Her Romantic Life on Hold

In Montpellier, the sniper strikes again, this time fatally wounding former François Verneuil, the ex-President of the commercial court. It’s evident that the criminal is targeting prominent individuals. Fear is rapidly spreading throughout the city.

At the police station, Élise and Alex review the case with Becker. Élise presents a lead involving a former soldier, convinced he is the sniper. Becker instructs her to pursue this lead.

Meanwhile, Thierry attempts to make amends with his wife. To rectify his past misogynistic behavior towards Élise, he presents Suzanne with a bouquet of flowers, and she accepts his gesture without resentment.

Suddenly, Thierry’s phone rings, with colleagues informing him about the sniper’s latest victim. Despite not being on duty, he rushes to the police station.

At the Midi Libre newsroom, journalists focus intently on the ongoing investigation, with today’s headline reading: ‘Fear Grips the City’. Marc informs Marie-Sophie that the police have obtained a screenshot of the sniper.

The editor-in-chief insists on obtaining a copy of this crucial image. She instructs Marc to find a way to get it. Marc replies: ‘That’s impossible; only the investigators have access to that image, and my source will never share it with me‘. But does he truly have a choice?

Meanwhile, at the police station, Alex and Élise continue their investigation into the former soldier linked to the sniper, but he remains elusive—no mobile phone, no social media presence, etc.

As evening approaches, tension escalates between Élise and Élodie. Élodie has arranged a romantic dinner, but Élise is delayed. When Élodie calls to check in, Élise informs her that she’ll be home late. Élodie accuses her of prioritizing work over their relationship before hanging up. Are they on the verge of a breakup?

Simultaneously, the deranged sniper is seen aiming his weapon at a jogger. He allows the jogger to pass unharmed, then fires at a nearby bush. It turns out, he is the former soldier…
