up to 800,000 health passes may be deactivated on Saturday for lack of reminder

It is the count estimated at the date of January 9 by the ministry, which underlines that this figure is “probably overestimated”.

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This is the deadline set by the government. Up to 800,000 people, who have not had their COVID-19 vaccine booster at most seven months after their last injection, are at risk of seeing their health pass deactivated Saturday January 15, estimates the Ministry of Health, in a count dated January 9.

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The ministry points out that this figure is “probably overestimated”, the doubt relating to people with a certificate of recovery from Covid-19 dating back more than three months (this certificate is valid for six months). “We are not immune to a good surprise and a figure which, in reality, is lower. And then we have the whole week to come for these people to call back on time”, specified the ministry.

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