Up to 10 years in prison for a publication that had received less than 5 “likes”

They shouted their opposition by the thousands during the first days of the war. But since then, the Russian repressive machine has done its work. While the Russian army annihilates Ukraine, the regime of Vladimir Putin completes what remains of freedom of expression in the country of the tsars. Some Russian dissidents, however, defy the prohibitions, at the risk of their safety. The duty discussed with some of them or with their relatives. Last portrait of a series of four.

Imprisoned since May 6, Victoria Petrova could receive a sentence of 5 to 10 years in prison for having published a message on the Russian social network VK which condemns the war in Ukraine. A publication which had collected at most five “likes”, specifies its lawyer, Anastasia Pilipenko.

The young woman – who does not describe herself as an activist, but rather as “a person who cares about others” – faces criminal allegations for having intentionally spread “false information” about the actions carried out by the Russian army in Ukraine.

“The new law [interdisant de critiquer l’armée russe et l’invasion de l’Ukraine] aims to silence people who oppose the official discourse of the government, denounces the lawyer in an interview with the To have to. We are told that the information is “true” simply because the Minister of Defense tells us so. It cannot be disputed or discussed. »

In her message published on March 23 on VK, Victoria Petrova claimed that the campaign carried out by the Russian army in Ukraine was contrary to international law and Russian law, indicates Mrs.e Pilipenko.

To accompany this publication, the 28-year-old had published videos from Russian independent media and international media. “And she wrote at the end of her message: ‘To form your opinion, watch these videos and decide what you think about this war.’ “Reports the lawyer.

This publication was deleted two days later by the social network, “possibly at the request of the investigators”, believes Anastasia Pilipenko.


Since the start of the invasion of Ukraine, Victoria Petrova, who held a managerial position in Saint Petersburg, had been arrested on two other occasions for taking part in anti-war demonstrations. She was fined for her first offense and served 10 days in detention after her second arrest.

“I think after those two events his social media was under surveillance. She was not trying to hide her opinions, ”says her lawyer, adding that her client has published several messages against the government and the war.

“She has become an easy target for the Russian authorities to demonstrate that anyone can be prosecuted, no need to be a journalist, activist or human rights defender. »

The court refused to place Victoria under house arrest pending her trial. On Wednesday, the judge rejected a new appeal submitted by his lawyer for Victoria to be released. The young woman will therefore remain in prison at least until July 31.

“It’s unusual [comme décision] “, denounces Anastasia Pilipenko, who affirms that her client is detained in a prison built before the Russian revolution of 1917. “At the beginning, she was in a cell with 17 other people. »

Victoria cannot receive any visitors, except that of her lawyer. “But still, she doesn’t regret what she did in any way. She didn’t want to stay silent. »

True to her beliefs, Victoria Petrova gave a seven-minute speech condemning the war in Ukraine during one of her court appearances, rather than talking about her prison conditions, reports Ms.e Pilipenko. A speech which was greeted by the applause of those present in the audience, she adds.

Linguistic expertise

As in other similar cases, investigators have commissioned a linguistic expertise to determine if the message posted by Victoria contains signs of animosity or political hatred.

“The outcome of his trial will depend on the Russian and international political climate,” said his lawyer. If the war ends, it’s possible his case will be fine. But if everything stays as it is now, the prospects are not very good. »

A situation all the more worrying as Russia decided, at the beginning of June, to no longer respect the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights, where Russian lawyers could submit appeals.

Since the start of the invasion of Ukraine, they have also exposed themselves to reprisals when they defend anti-war activists. Lawyers have been fined after speaking out in court, says Ms.e Pilipenko.

“Anyone who speaks out against the Russian regime is taking risks,” she said. But I think there are too many lawyers in Russia for the government to act against all of us. »

She nevertheless dreams of the moment when freedom of expression will regain its rights in Russia. “Yes, there is still hope. Otherwise, what would I be doing here? »

With Vlada Nebo

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