Unvaccinated players | Premier League clubs vote to continue activities

(London) Premier League clubs voted against a stoppage of the season on Monday, despite a 10-game postponement last week due to the biggest outbreak of cases among the teams.

Rob harris
Associated Press

While more than 90% of players in the Italian and Spanish leagues are fully vaccinated, Premier League officials have revealed that only 77% of their players have received their two doses.

In its first update on taking the vaccine in two months, the league also said 16% of players had not even received a single dose.

Cases have more than doubled in the last week in the circuit, from 42 players and staff with COVID-19 to 90. This rise is also illustrated in the UK population, which totals, on average, 90,000 cases per day, an increase of 60 per over the previous week.

On Monday, the clubs met by videoconference after six of the 10 games scheduled for the weekend were postponed.

“Even though it is recognized that several teams are going through COVID-19 outbreaks and challenges, the league’s collective intention is to maintain the current fixture list as long as it is possible without risk. “

The league has appealed to players to be vaccinated to prevent teams from being bald and meetings being postponed due to cases of the coronavirus.

In return, Wolverhampton is a rare case in England of a team claiming that their workforce is fully vaccinated. The booster doses arrived at the Molineux Stadium on Sunday, after a 0-0 draw against Chelsea.

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