Unusual heat wave hits India hard




Article written by

A. Forget, A. Guérard, M. Boyer, A. Bhat, R. Khatri, A. Védeilhé – franceinfo

France Televisions

India has been suffocating and has been suffering for several weeks from an exceptional and early heat wave for the season.

In New Delhi, extreme weather and temperatures even sparked a fire in a wild dump. Firefighters have been fighting for three days to put out the fire, which continues to spread with the wind and angers residents. The country has been recording high temperatures for the season for nearly two months: nearly 43°C in April in the Indian capital against 37°C usually for this spring month. Heat and an early heat wave that workers struggle to bear.

But it is the inhabitants of the poorest neighborhoods who remain the first victims of this extreme climatic episode. They have to suffer power cuts due to the heat, in addition to the cruel lack of air conditioners in the houses, as a stay-at-home mother points out. “We don’t have enough money to buy an air conditioner. Rich people have them. But we poor people have nothing. The rich don’t feel the heat.” An ordeal that unfortunately risks persisting. The northern region of India and the capital are expecting an equally hot month of May and forecasts estimate that the thermometer could show 50 degrees at the border with Pakistan.

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