“Until the day when I had the impression of being a bit of a scam”, at 45 years old and despite the success of “HPI”, Audrey Fleurot’s final decision!

If at 45, Audrey Fleurot is a resplendent and more than attractive woman, this was not always the case when she was younger. In any case, this is what she let it be understood in a recent interview granted to Psychologies. The 45-year-old actress will star in season 3 of “HPI” May 11, 2023 on TF1. A fiction in which she plays Morgane Alvaro, a hot cleaning lady with an ultra-developed brain, who lends a hand to the Lille police. This sexy side is used a lot in the series, yet Audrey Fleurot never imagined that her physique would become an asset over time.

Indeed, younger, the companion of Djibril Glissant was “Redhead, plump, short-sighted, with trifocals”. “And I wore rings for I don’t know how long!”she remembers with a lot of humor with Psychologies. Audrey Fleurot wanted, like all children, to go unnoticed but her looks at the time prevented her from doing so: “When you’re a kid, you don’t want to stand out, and with that, you only saw me. Potentially, I had everything to become the school’s whipping boy.”

See also: Michel Cymes puts a rake on Audrey Fleurot live on France 2 … attention unease!

Audrey Fleurot, very different since her childhood, at the risk of becoming “a scam”?

So to pull out of the game and avoid becoming the scapegoat, “Morgane Alvaro” has “found a parade”: “I clowned around, I had a crew cut, I wore totally improbable 1950s secretary glasses at 8 years old… Even if it meant not going unnoticed, let’s claim it . So I built myself as the ugly funny one, and that takes years to let go of.”

Over the years, this physique of which she was not proud has become her strength. Audrey Fleurot has continued to beautify herself to become the canon actress that everyone knows today. But she admits that the tricks of the trade have helped her feel better. “We make you up, we do your hair, we find you the clothes that highlight what you need and hide everything you like less”, she admits before however entrusting: “I liked it. Until the day when I felt like I was still a bit of a scam. And found myself again stuck in an image that wasn’t quite me.”

“Scam” or not, Audrey Fleurot is now one of the actors appreciated by the French. And, thanks to her beauty, but also her great talent.


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