Until Sunday, it’s the week dedicated to sexual health in Touraine

From May 30 to June 5, it’s sexual health week in Touraine. Until Sunday, the various prevention organizations are offering workshops and training in high schools. To talk about sexuality, contraception, prevention of AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections. Awareness also of the discrimination of which HIV-positive or LGBT + people may be victims.

A great moment of important exchange because this subject is often taboo in the family. And at school ?A law requires National Education to provide three hours of education in emotional life and sexual health each year from CM2. points out Agathe Cros, in charge of prevention at family planning in Indre et Loire. “But no one, I think, has had this quota, and then on these issues, there is the approach and the way. Rather than lectures, we in family planning, we are going to be in discussion sessions and reflection”.

Ethical porn with “porna”

More than in family or at school, sex education is essential among young people via the Internet and social networks. “There is good and very bad, but let’s say that it is a tool with which we are obliged to do. For the good, we can find on social networks accounts linked to communities, accounts that are also educational about sexuality “Even in pornography, there are more positive things with the emergence of ‘porna’. More ethical, more thoughtful and less violent films.”

What to do after risky sex?

After a risky relationship (poorly or unprotected), “The pregnancy test must take place 15 days after the last risky report. Get tested for HIV-Aids 6 weeks after the risky report. So much for health. And then let’s not forget that at the base, sexual intercourse must be consensual and there must be the notion of pleasure. Because that’s what sexuality is for. Not just to have children!”

In Tours, the screening center for HIV, hepatitis and sexually transmitted infections is located in the city center, 5 rue Jehan Fouquet.

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