unrecognizable you say?

It’s been several weeks since the new promotion of “Star Academy” joined the adventure. On October 15, the candidates settled down at the Château de Dammarie-les-Lys, and the least we can say is that they seem ready to do anything to win the competition. Unfortunately, only one of them will have the chance to succeed Jenifer, Nolwenn Leroy or Grégory Lemarchal. If some are still in the race, others, on the contrary, have already said goodbye to telecrochet. This Saturday, November 12, 2022, it is moreover Julien who left the “Star Academy”. ” I tried to give, despite the fever, despite the headache, the angina… I tried, frankly. I gave “, he confided to the microphone of MyTF1 after his elimination. And to add: This is the game, I lost. But [je n’ai] no regrets, only kif! »

That’s it, it’s the end of the Star Academy adventure. I want to thank all of you who have supported me, you have made me aware of who I am and who I could be. I can’t wait to offer you something heavy and that we love it together! Thank you to all the production that allowed me to realize my dreams on stage and who knows maybe even outside. And above all, thank you to the teachers for their patience and authenticity. In any case, everything is fine for me, I am very happy and grateful for what is happening to me “, he also wrote on his Instagram account.

Radical change

If the ” new Jean-Pascal is no longer part of the adventure, his many fans have no intention of letting him down. On the contrary, some have even gone so far as to search social networks for additional information on the candidate. After extensive research, they ended up finding a photo of the handsome brunette with short hair! A snapshot that did not fail to react to Internet users. For good reason… Julien is unrecognizable!


See also:

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