“unprecedented” theft of twenty containers carrying gold and silver

The Mexican public prosecutor’s office announced the opening of an investigation without giving details on the quantities of gold and silver stolen.

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About twenty containers, some of which carrying gold and silver, were stolen from the port of Manzanillo (Mexico), local authorities announced on Monday (June 13th). According to the National Head of Customs, it is“a very serious organized crime operation”. Qualified as “theft of the century” by some media, it took place on June 5 in a private compound of the main commercial port, on the Pacific coast of Mexico.

Heavily armed assailants neutralized the port security teams, before using cranes and heavy goods vehicles for eight to ten hours to manipulate the containers, said a Colima state official. “They have been very selective in the type of merchandise they have. Fly”whose metals precious”he added. “This is unprecedented. We had already seen sporadic thefts of containers, but not in such a quantity.” The Mexican public prosecutor’s office announced the opening of an investigation but refused to give details on the quantities of gold and silver stolen.

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