unnecessary mobilization? No answers a gendarmerie officer

The young Mayenne jogger who said she had been kidnapped by two kidnappers for 24 hours “said he lied and was not kidnapped” during his hearing on Friday explained the Parquet de Laval in a press release published this Friday evening. According to prosecutor Céline Maigné, the high school student went to Sablé-sur-Sarthe “walk”. His injuries are “of accidental origin”, she continues: “She would have cut out her T-shirt with a pair of scissors”.

Going for a jog Monday mid-afternoon, the teenager had not returned to her home in the evening. The alert was then given by his relatives, up to 200 gendarmes had been mobilized. The high school student was finally found alive in a restaurant in Sablé-sur-Sarthe on Tuesday evening. In her first statements, the young jogger said she escaped two kidnappers, who allegedly used a green van. Everything has been invented.

“The disappearance of a minor is always structurally worrying”

In her first statements, the young jogger said she escaped two kidnappers, who allegedly used a green van. Everything has been invented. On social networks, many Internet users have deplored the establishment of such an impressive relief device for nothing. Captain Marc Rollang, spokesperson for the Gendarmes et Citoyens association, justifies this mobilization: “the gendarmerie intervenes, the gendarmerie responds. Monday evening, a father comes to a brigade to report a worrying disappearance. Worrisome because the disappearance of a minor is always structurally worrying. The gendarmes, in reaction, because it is their job, then became involved massively. a criminal character. I consider this mobilization justified, the reverse would not have been audible “ he confides to France Info.

The case is not going to end there. The 17-year-old “will be the subject of a procedure for denunciation of imaginary infringement”.

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