“Unlivable”, too often absent, in a relationship with a 19-year-old young woman… Jacques Martin’s daughter balances on her behavior!

Jacques Martin died in 2007, at the age of 74, following generalized cancer. Moreover, in an interview given to Galathis Thursday, April 21, his daughter, Elise, let it be known that he never spoke to them about it.

“Initially, he had a stroke from which he never really recovered. Afterwards, metastasized cancer… But he never talked about it directly. At the very end, he didn’t want to see anyone anymore. Like a wounded animal, he holed up in a corner and hid from everyone”she explained.

And when our colleagues ask her what memories she has of him, the main interested party is rather cash: “His last years of life. Because I found myself close to him. It’s terrible to say that but it was from the moment he fell ill that he became accessible. Available. But unfortunately I think that he did not leave serene.”

Betrayal and Complicated Love Behaviors

In this same interview, Elise also evokes the loves of her famous dad, including her relationship with Cécilia Attias. “With each breakup, we experienced the distress of our father. There in addition, there was the feeling of being betrayed by the one who was the godfather of his daughters. He had confided his friendship to Nicolas Sarkozy and all that ended up this adultery. He got double trouble.”

But the host’s daughter concedes, he had a complicated relationship with love: “He had an unlivable side in the sense that he wanted exclusivity. Since he had lacked his mother’s affection as a child, the woman who was next to him had to be there day and night, she only takes care of him.”

Finally, Elise put words to her last relationship with a woman who was 37 years younger than him: “At the time, I asked myself questions as much from dad as from this young woman. Afterwards, it was our father’s choice.”

See also: Legacy of Jacques Martin: the plan developed so that it does not end Hallyday style!

Apolline Demarchelier

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