Two universities in Quebec, that of Montreal (UQAM) and that of Outaouais (UQO), are joining forces to present the exhibition False folds by hypothesis. In this instance, the artistic project curated by the two gallery directors – Louise Déry, from UQAM, and Marie-Hélène Leblanc, from UQO – was able to bring together four university galleries in Quebec in addition to the Jardins de Métis to exhibit some 13 current artists. Using the concept to revisit research and creation, curators Louise Déry and Marie-Hélène Leblanc define false folds as “biases that are sometimes imposed, sometimes acquired, sometimes transmitted. These false folds, which are inevitably present in the university context, but not only, infiltrate research and creation. How can we identify them, undo them, transform them?”
Featured artists: Eruoma Awashish, Geneviève Chevalier, Club de prospection figurée, Anna Binta Diallo, Caroline Fillion, Maryse Goudreau, Richard Ibghy & Marilou Lemmens, Sophie Jodoin, Emmanuelle Léonard, Mélanie Myers, Kosisochukwu Nnebe, Anahita Norouzi, Leila Zelli
Visit the exhibition page at UQAM
At UdeM and Laval University
The retrospective exhibition One place to another by Alexandre David is a great opportunity to showcase the tight-knit community of university art galleries. The Galerie de l’Université de Montréal, the Galerie des arts visuels de l’Université Laval and Criterium will present a major exhibition of Alexandre David’s work for the cultural season. Curated by Laurent Vernet, Director of the Galerie de l’UdeM, the event includes new works by the artist, designed for the locations in the cities where he lives and teaches.
The openings will take place over three days, September 11 (UdeM), 12 (Université Laval) and 13 (Criterium).
Visit the UdeM exhibition page
At the Leonard Art Gallery & Bina Ellen

Esery Mondesir, Choublak #3 (detail), 2024. Freeze frame.
Choublak, by Haitian-Canadian artist Ésery Mondésir, curated by Julia Eilers Smith, is the first exhibition under new director Pip Day, who succeeded Michèle Thériault, who developed the gallery for nearly 20 years. It is a recent body of work created in collaboration with the Haitian diaspora in Montreal, Toronto, Tijuana and Havana. Between interview, artwork and documentary, the artist’s original work, film portraits and pinhole images, shows the connections between people who, like him, have experienced exile. Literary works are associated with his films, including those of the poetry group Haïti Littéraire, active in the 1960s.
It should be noted that the gallery’s programming is always bilingual or even trilingual. The publications are also translated into several languages, Inuktitut, Arabic and Creole. Presented until January 18, 2025.
Visit the exhibition page

Clemens von Wedemeyer, Social Geometry2024. Video installation, black and white, three-channel sound, 16:9, 18 min.
Certainly to add to the list, the R3 Gallery of the University of Quebec in Trois-Rivières (UQTR) offers two exhibitions of professional artists per session. But for the start of the school year, it is the multimedia installation Social Geometry by artist Clemens von Wedemeyer who steals the show. This is a presentation of the Biennale nationale de sculpture contemporaine de Trois-Rivières. These partnerships with the various biennales during the summer make Galerie R3 shine, which always associates itself with these events. But starting September 26, you will have to follow the work of Frances Adair McKenzie, who will propose the exhibition Second life.
Visit the exhibition page