With the closure of bars, gyms, casinos, cinemas and theaters, it is in universities these days that many of the biggest gatherings will be held, which worries many. students.
“I really like the online final exams better for health reasons,” said Joyce Slin, met Monday evening by The press when she was leaving her exam at the School of Management Sciences at the University of Quebec in Montreal (UQAM). “I hang out with my family and older people who are more fragile, so it’s better if it’s from a distance. ”
In accordance with what the Minister of Health and Social Services, Christian Dubé, announced on Monday, the universities remain open. Exam sessions and internships can therefore be held face-to-face.
I would have preferred the exams to be online. At least this time, we had more space between each person than during the exams [de mi-session].
Nada kabboud
Following Minister Dubé’s press conference, Nada Kabboud received a message from the marketing department indicating that his exam scheduled for the same day would take place in person, as planned. “Rest assured that the examination rooms have been reserved so that they are large enough to leave spaces between each student”, it could be read.
“Our teacher split the class in two. There were fewer people, so it was less stressful, ”says Yasmine Loumi.
Strict measures
In addition to physical distancing, the mask was mandatory at all times. Disinfectant gel was also made available to the students.
“We were quite distant and we had to wear the mask, so I was not too stressed,” said Samuel Noël, who had just completed an economics exam. “There were at least two free chairs between each student,” added Alexis Thomias, who said he was satisfied with the measures.

Frédérique, student met at the end of her exam
Me, I disinfected my hands, but many did not. There is even a student next to me who was sick and sniffling during the exam. It sickened me.
Frédérique, student met at the end of her exam
“With all the cases that there was today and the press conference, I was sure it was going to be live,” she said.
Big fears
Even these days, “exams are held in large auditoriums,” said Jonathan Desroches, coordinator at the Quebec Student Union, stressing that the matter raised great concerns among young people in Quebec.
Mr. Desroches indicated that the decisions on the holding of the exams in person or remotely were taken individually, “by department or by university”.
There is no uniform answer. We want the decisions of the universities to be communicated as soon as possible.
Jonathan Desroches, coordinator at the Quebec Student Union
Higher Education Minister Danielle McCann did not speak during the day Monday and universities did not release a statement, sticking to the government’s decision to allow in-person exams.
COVID-19 is most common among 20 to 29 year olds – young people of university age, with 15.4% of confirmed cases across Quebec.
Note that most of the activities in CEGEPs have been completed.