Universal national service, diversity at school, pensions … What to remember from the interview with Alexis Corbière’s “8:30 franceinfo”

The LFI deputy for Seine-Saint-Denis was the guest of “8:30 a.m. franceinfo”, Friday May 19, 2023

Alexis Corbière, LFI deputy for Seine-Saint-Denis was the guest of “8:30 a.m. franceinfo” this Friday, May 19, 2023. Universal national service (SNU) diversity at school, inflation… He answered questions from Jules de Kiss and Neila Latrous.

SNU (Universal National Service): “It is out of the question that we remove 12 school days from our students”

“What a joke from the beginning, this story, we come to an extremely bad idea!”, deplores Alexis Corbière when the government plans to set up a 12-day cohesion course for second-year students during school time from the start of the school year in September. The deputy protests against this measure: “It is out of the question that we remove 12 school days from our students, on the contrary we must add more, we need more teachers, and woe to those who want to engage in such a policy, we will oppose it”. According to him, it is necessary “stop wasting time on nonsensical, silly gimmicks, it’s all nonsense”. Alexis Corbière affirms that he is for “that our youth be engaged in great projects that are useful” but not this way, “in systematic tinkering that brings shame”.

Social mix at school: “The Minister of National Education has just suffered a rout”

“The Minister of National Education has just suffered a rout”, says Alexis Corbière about the plan presented this week by Pap Ndiaye on social and school diversity. National Education on Wednesday signed a memorandum of understanding with Catholic education announced several months ago, by which the private sector under contract undertakes in particular to increase the share of its scholarship students but without obligation. For the rebellious deputy, “all this is a gigantic sword in the water”. He regrets the non-mandatory nature of the measures which, according to him, “will not be followed by effects”. “When a minister is ridiculed as Pap Ndiaye was, I say: danger”he continues.

For Alexis Corbiere, “our school is in danger”. The deputy defends a model of mixed education: “The Republic begins at school. Today the social positioning index (CNRS) tells us that the children of the most privileged categories are concentrated in private establishments and that we find in public establishments a concentration of ‘students in difficulty in certain places’. The chosen one denounces “form of school separatism that is taking place” and points out the fact that the “private establishments are 73% financed by public money […] I am for keeping parents’ freedom of choice, but why should public money help with that?”. According to him, this hides a deeper problem, a lack of trust of parents in the public: “I am for policies to regain confidence in the republican school which goes through additional means”.

Liot bill against pension reform: “The government is afraid, it cheats, it is a bad player”

Asked about the text presented by the Liot group on June 8 to the Assembly to repeal the pension reform, Alexis Corbière repeats that yes “Obviously we have to vote for it”. Regarding the statement by the Prime Minister who considers this proposal “unconstitutional”the deputy replies that the “The government is afraid because it knows it is in a minority in the National Assembly and therefore it cheats, it is a bad player, it tries to use what is less democratic in the Constitution to prevent that. Shame on them.” The member insists that “this text must be debated” to the Assembly and adds: “Woe to anyone who wants to ban MPs from debating a subject of general interest. We are going to debate on June 8 and we are going to win”he affirms before judging that “Madame Borne makes a fool of herself”.

Controversy around Carlos Martens Bilongo: “He’s an honest man and I trust him”

Regarding the suspicions of money laundering, tax evasion and misuse of corporate assets to which LFI deputy Carlos Martens Bilongo is subject, Alexis Corbière claims to have “faith in him”A “honest man” which he appreciates and describes as “brother”. The deputy invited on franceinfo is waiting to have all the elements to decide on this file but remains cautious: “We are the first to denounce the fraud but we have a colleague who tells us that it is not correct”. Carlos Martens Bilongo is suspected of having concealed income from the tax authorities and of having continued to occupy social housing for several years which he sublet to his sister when he owned several apartments. He asserts for his part “have fully complied with the law”. The Pontoise public prosecutor’s office recently opened an investigation for suspicions of money laundering, tax evasion and misuse of corporate assets.


Find the entire “8:30 am franceinfo” of Friday, May 19, 2023

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