United States: the commission of inquiry into the attack on the Capitol denounces the inaction of Donald Trump


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The commission of inquiry into the attack on the Capitol affirmed, Thursday, July 21, that Donald Trump did nothing to stop the violence, and even encouraged it. She believes that the former American president must be held accountable.

On January 6, 2021, American democracy faltered after a speech by Donald Trump. This is the starting point of the attack on the Capitol, according to the commission of inquiry working on these events. US representatives were interested in the hours between this speech by Donald Trump and his speech calling on the crowd to go home. After his speech, Donald Trump returned to the White House and locked himself in the dining room. He followed the Capitol attack on Fox News as his advisers panicked upon seeing the footage.

On insistence of his entourage, he wrote timidly on Twitter asking his followers to remain peaceful, to end up asking them to go home, almost coerced and strength. The next day, his advisers hoped to have turned the page, but Donald Trump, during a speech, refused to recognize the result of the election. For the commission, there is no doubt that Donald Trump ordered an armed mob to prevent the transfer of power. This eighth hearing of the commission was broadcast Thursday, July 21 at prime time on all American news channels, with the exception of Fox News which, like Donald Trump, qualifies this commission as a sham.

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