We already know that in the expression “gun control”, in the United States, the use of the word “control” is almost grotesque as laxity is the norm.
Some states are struggling to regulate the possession and carrying of firearms, but in general, this regulation looks like a sieve across the country.
However, be warned, we may see new holes appear in this colander in the coming months. Courtesy of the Supreme Court of the United States.
Explanation: The highest court in the country has decided to look into a law in the State of New York which prevents almost all citizens from moving outside their homes with a concealed weapon.
This law allows certain exceptions. Those who can prove they have a valid reason (” proper cause ”) Are able to obtain a special permit. We are talking here, for example, of retired police officers or judges. In 2017 and 2018, nearly 38,000 such permits were issued in New York State. About 20,000 a year.
It is still not negligible. But that is of course not enough for the influential National Rifle Association (NRA), an organization that has decided to support the two men who are challenging this law.
We invoke here, as is so often the case, the Second Amendment to the Constitution, which protects the right of citizens to own a firearm.

Weapons Confiscated by New York City Police
Twisted logic
The Supreme Court heard the case in early November and is due to render its decision by June 2022.
But already, speculation is rife … Several journalists and analysts have noted that conservative judges seemed to believe that New York State law goes too far.
Among the statements that have caused the most ink to flow, that of Judge Samuel Alito (appointed by George W. Bush), who seems not to understand why ordinary citizens would be prevented (he notably cited nurses and food service divers ) to carry a weapon when traveling.
How could they defend themselves against potential criminals, after all?
Hey, misery!
As if, in order to save lives, more weapons were needed, scattered in more places across the country.
As if, in reaction to the increase in gun violence in Montreal this year, we felt that one of the viable solutions was to arm more citizens.
The twisted logic of our neighbors to the south often leads to further lapses in gun control – the NRA continues to push states in this direction each year.
It also has a real effect on this side of the border.
The Toronto police chief recently estimated that nearly 80% of the weapons used in violent events in his metropolis came from the United States.
“The biggest problem we have in our town is the volume of weapons coming from across the border,” James Ramer said publicly on November 5.
There is no reason to believe that the situation is very different in Montreal.
Always more weapons
Last year, there were 43,000 gun-related deaths on American soil (including some 24,000 suicides). A balance sheet to which must be added nearly 40,000 gunshot wounds.
What about arms sales?
You guessed it: they jumped.
A 64% increase in 2020 compared to the previous year, according to an analysis of the Washington post. In total, some 23 million firearms were purchased in the United States in the space of 12 months.
These weapons kill both inside and outside the American borders. The United States exports gun violence.
But all of these alarming statistics won’t necessarily convince a majority of Supreme Court justices of the merits of laws like the one passed by New York State (similar restrictions are in place in seven other states, including California, which alone has more inhabitants than Canada).
It is important to remember that the balance of the highest court in the United States was changed by Donald Trump, who was able to appoint three judges. There are now six judges selected by Republican presidents.
The situation is a little rosier for progressives in the US Congress, whose Democrats have controlled both houses since Joe Biden came to the White House.
But their majority is so small that they would not be able to push through substantial gun control reform that would plug some of the holes in the strainer.
Too many politicians fear the wrath of gun owners if they dare to tackle this societal problem. Their political future comes first.
Several fundamental elements therefore explain the headlong rush of certain institutions in the country on the issue of firearms.
That doesn’t make her any less indecent, though.
And that inevitably leads us to a finding as simple as it is heartbreaking: the United States is sick of its guns and it does not seem to want to improve. This is bad news for them… and for us.