United States: shark attacks recorded


Video length: 2 min.

France 2

Article written by

France 2 – E.Lagarde, A.Sangouard, K.Sullivan den Bergh, Z.Boughzou, Emmanuelle Lagarde, Alice Sangouard

France Televisions

In the space of a few days, five sharks attacked swimmers on a beach in New York State in the United States. In order to limit the risk of bites, the authorities have deployed great means.

On July 3, on a crowded beach in Florida (United States), a shark appeared among swimmers. This time fortunately, the shark does not bite and leaves. Further north, at Long Islandthe shark alert is activated. On the beaches of New York, in a few days, the sharks have bitten five times. A 15-year-old surfer escapes with a few stitches. “My first reaction when the shark grabbed my foot was to get out of the water and seek help”testifies the young man.

Forty attacks

Faced with the risks, the rescuers deployed the major means. A dozen drones fly over the coast. “We are looking for all kinds of silhouettes that could look like a shark or any other dangerous animal”, indicates one of the rescuers. Tuesday, July 4, the drone spotted about fifty young sharks less than 200 m from the beaches, where the currents brought small fish which they love. The country registers about forty attacks per year, rarely fatal, a stable figure.

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